
    Thedos Aegis, Paladin
    Male Red Skinned Tiefling 6’5″ strong and stout
    His two horns start at the back of his head and point forward, head shaved and does nothing to hide his cloven hooves The edges of scars can be seen on the back of his arms and legs He carries a warhammer and a shield with the sigil of the Athar on his back. Friendly, even gregarious at times, but will can quickly fall to brooding or anger especially when Hardheads are around. He is happy to talk to anyone about their faith in the hopes of finding their doubts and convincing them to join the Athar. He will always help common folk, believers or not that get caught in the conflicts between the so called gods. He is equally happy talking or fighting and often will keep talking while fighting, believing that since he has survived this long and endured so much pain death is nothing for him to fear.